Time Codes of Prophecy


 A unique visual compendium of events in World Biblical History; an investigation of scientific biblical truth in connection with the history of mankind and the history of Israel from a Biblical perspective. Initial events are tracked from the Garden of Eden demonstrating that the text, the history and the events were given to all mankind prior to the era of the Israelites. However, the prophecy driven events can only be understood through the history of the Israelites, to the End of the Age (Aion). The scenes of history unfold through the temporal Gentile Times of the human existance of mankind, via empires and kings and world kingdoms. It has been appointed to the book of Daniel to outline, connect and present the chronologic timeline of the text in the form known as, “Time Codes”; the time codes cn only be decoded through the book of Revelation and the events of current history. The prophetic book of Daniel declares that wisdom concerning the End of the Age, not World; would increase in the last days, the clock of the Last Days of the Gentile Age started ticking again in 1948, when Israel once again regained Kingdom-Statehood, as spoken by Jeremiah, Isaiah and Zachariah.


The Garden Prophecy started a time clock,
We can, jump ahead and follow along where the prophetic scripture, progressives through 6th and 7th Seals, viewed as the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the empire event completed in 1922, the result of WWI, many presumed the war to be an Arms Race, when in fact by the secret alliance of the Ottoman Empire allied with the three frogs, Bible prophecy-history, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy,  the war was lost and the Ottoman Empire fell as predicted, at the time of the pouring out of the Sixth prophetic Vial of Revelation 16. This cleared the way for the current Spring nations to initially be set up, Egypt - Libya - Syria - Jordon - Iran - Iraq and Saudi Arabia, as can be seen by their founding dates and the monarchies or oligarchies who administered their politics, religion and government, as well as the mandates _____'  READ MORE
This has to do with your tomorrow morning because we have seen, 2 of the seven monarchy/oligarchy fall, while the third is in severe blood shed and high body count, while Syria is tottering on the brink of Democracy, this leaves 5 left to fall, with or without blood-shed, first to Democracy, then Theocracy, those who do not will find themselves as recorded in Psalm 83 and the final battle, Armageddon.
The thing that should have been obvious to the grafted branches, had they properly studied, is the fact that Turkey contains not only the Seven Churches of Revelation but also Ten Tribe representatives who participated in the Day of Pentecost event; the Bible states they are there to this very day. Iran and Iraq contain the people of Esther and Afghanistan contains the priest of Judah. Selah! READ MORE
First your tomorrow can only be blessed if as John, states you know the testimony of the Prophecy, Revelation 19:10b.
Second, the whole Prophecy has been required reading, well, since Genesis 3:15, therefore includes the Mosaic Law, The Prophets and the Psalms, who one has said you know not.
So this is it in a nut shell, well, word shell; the thing is each individual according to John and Daniel, did you see that, old and new references, must be able to follow the entire prophecy, as a storyline not sound bite from Genesis forward to the viewing and confessing of the Lord, spoken of in Isaiah 12.
 Bible text was created in a scientific timeline...In The Beginning; it should be presented, studied and understood the same.
Mysteries, Codes, Secrets ...Hidden in Plain Sight