Muriel Manning




Hebrew Bible Curriculum Based on the Dead Sea Scrolls


Hebrew Bible Historiographer, Chaplain, Author

Bragging rights

Serbian Crisis 1994 U.N. Monitor, Good News New York & St. Louis, 1997 & 2003 Israel

Biblical History Educator, called and prepared to educate the body of Christ in regard to Matthew 24:15 - Daniel 9-12 and Revelation 1-22. Each Bible sitings are outlines of the Lords return, none can tell the exact hour nor day, for this is only known by the Father. However, Gabriel emphatically stated I have come to explain, what will happen to your people in the future, a future that would span 2520 years, to the current latter days. Daniel 10:14 The work of the ministry is to provide clear knowledge and correct understanding of Matthew 24: 3, answers all disciples must know, "what will be the sign of your (Christ's) coming and the end of the Age, not world." This is critical to presenting a Church without spot or blemish. At the moment the church has blemishes and spots for lack of knowledge in these areas. Lack of understanding does not allow comprehension of the testimony of Jesus the Christ...the testimony; according to biblcal text is the Spirit of Prophecy. Rev 19:10b. This lack may also place one in jeopardy of the words, "I never knew you", simply because you did not fully know Him as a Bride should. Today the Church is absent understanding of the Prophecy of Moses, the Major and Minor Prophets, Enoch and Daniel, which comprise major parts of the storyline of His Testimony; therefore, lacking the full potential of knowing in whom they have believed. This ministry has been equipped with a enhanced biblical background as well as, educational tools necessary to produce an intelligent investigation of Biblical text. Our assets are a cirriculli, 2 major website, as well as, a 500 book library. For conferenc© about application based bible biblical category chronology click cloud comparing comparison connects curriculum domains educate electric events experts farms gearhost hebrew

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Bible Historiographer - Chaplain
